

In our factory and office facilities is where we create and design our own work with our human resources, where the relation quality-price is very well achieved, in order to give our customers the satisfaction of a good job and the best benefit. 

Installations that have been adjusted to the time we are today, where electronics and computer science dominate, but always relying on a human team that makes reality the famous popular saying:"man perfects machines". 

Our technical department of customer support advises, proposes and looks for the highest profitability for your work. We prepare the works for you free of charge and give you an estimate without any commitment, since for us, the first thing is the full satisfaction of the client to find what you are looking for at a fair price. 

The experience and curriculum of the company (in the sector since 1965), makes us up to date with all the variants of sign making, thus being able to guide our customers of everything necessary to develop satisfactorily the work ordered, with a fair price adapted to the market of today.

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - 19:00


Carretera de Pego 42


609 666 444
© 2016 -2024 OlivaViva. Todos los derechos reservados.