Oliva Surf


In Oliva Surf you can experience the following experiences

Sailing school : Windsurf, Kitesurf, Catamaran, sailing dinghy and Cruising sailing.

Water ski school, with wakeboarding and water skiing

Motonautics , we have all sorts of draggable devices, such as banana or ski bus, donut ski or ultratube.

In addition you have: canoe, padlle surf, body board, orienteering raids, adventure circuit, mega balss,
nautical and terrestrial raids. And exploration of sea caves in canoe.

And if you do not like it , you can rent all types of boats or do some boat trips with skipper.
You can go out with a sailboat, a catamaran, a modern pneumatic boat or a boat with more than 200hp.

And more importantly: a team of more of 40 people, who have been hard to reach where we have arrived,
to have a consolidated and mature team.
This is very difficult to achieve and is what really gives quality, in the service provided.
The team is close, really close and very friendly, who is committed to the teaching of water sports.


Oliva Surf
Playa Pau Pi


962 85 54 98
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